ArcGIS Online provides a powerful, cloud-based platform for creating, managing and sharing spatial data — from individual users to large organisations.  Explore the following resources to help you seamlessly manage your subscriptions, ensuring you have the right tools for collaboration and data analysis anywhere, anytime.

Find your ideal user type with the ArcGIS user type finder or define the number of user types in your organisation using the ArcGIS user type capability tool.



For assistance with ArcGIS Online licensing, get in touch with an Esri Singapore support specialist.


  • Can users manage and change their own licences like they can with the concurrent licences?

    For the most part, no, unless they are an administrator within ArcGIS Online they cannot change their user type. 

  • How to activate my ArcGIS Online account?

    Open the activation email from Esri Customer Service and click the activation link. 

    If you have an existing public account, select "Convert your public account to an organisation subscription." If not, choose "Create a new ArcGIS organisation."

    Set Up Your Organisation 

    • Organisation Name:Enter a name for your organisation. This name will appear on your home and organisation pages, in the gallery title, and in all communications with members. You can change it later if needed.
    • Organisation Short Name:Provide a short name for your organisation, such as an acronym or abbreviation. This can be up to 16 characters long and may include: Letters (a–z) — Use Latin characters without diacritical marks, Numbers (0–9), Hyphens (-)
    • Language:Select the default language for members of your organisation.
    • Region:Choose the region for your organisation. This will determine your organisation's basemap and extent defaults. You can change this later if necessary.
    • Activate the "Send anonymous usage data" toggle to allow ArcGIS Online to collect usage information from your organisation's members. 

    If converting your public account, click Finish Setup. If not, click Next to proceed. 

    Provide Your Account Details 

    • Enter your first name, last name, and email address. Confirm your email by retyping it.
    • Review the Esri Master Agreement and Privacy Policy. Check the boxes to accept and agree, then click Next. 

    Provide Your Login Details 

    • Choose a Username:Your ArcGIS username must be 6 to 128 alphanumeric characters long. You may use the following special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at sign). Other special characters, non-alphanumeric characters, and spaces are not permitted. Your username cannot be the same as your password.
    • Create a Password:Your password must be at least eight characters long and include at least one letter and one number. It is case sensitive and cannot match your username. Confirm your password by retyping it.
    • Select a Security Question:Choose a security question and provide an answer. This information will help verify your identity if you forget your password. 

    Click Finish Setup. 

    Your profile page will appear. You can click View My Settings to update your account settings or return to it later. 

  • Can user types be migrated between ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise and if yes, will they be treated separately?

    No, the user types cannot be migrated between ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise because each platform is set up and run differently and member will require a separate identity to access each platform.

    ArcGIS Enterprise: Runs on-premises or in your private cloud. It requires hardware, software, and IT resources.

    ArcGIS Online: Esri-hosted cloud platform with similar capabilities to ArcGIS Enterprise but runs fully in the cloud.  

  • How can I transfer a licence from a user who has left the organisation to another user?

    As an administrator, you can change user types for members of your organisation at any point via the Manage user type prompt for the relevant member of your ArcGIS organisation.  

    You can also choose to delete members that are no longer a part of your organisation to free up licences. You will need to reassign ownership of any content and groups to another user prior to deleting the member. 

    Note, you will not be able to assign one user type to two users simultaneously as you can only assign the total number of licences available. Attempting to assign one user type to multiple users will violate Esri’s licencing terms. 

  • Can I assign new members the default administrator role or a custom role when I add them to our ArcGIS Online organisation?

    Yes, when adding a member, you can select a custom or default role from your organisation’s list of roles. 

    An organisation may have certain members who are responsible for creating content such as stories and hosted feature layers but who also need to join and share content with groups. To allow these members to perform these tasks, create a custom role with general privileges to publish hosted feature layers, share with groups, and geocode 

    Another common example is a member who needs to create and publish content in addition to certain administrative tasks such as inviting users into an organisation and assigning department members to the correct groups. This custom role requires all general privileges and the following administrative privileges: 

    • All privileges in the Members category
    • The privilege to assign members to groups 
  • When trying to add a new user to a group, why am I getting this error message, “Unable to invite user to the group. The user does not have privileges needed to join the group.” ?

    This invited user receives this error message due to insufficient privileges to join external groups. 

    Follow the steps below to resolve the error message: 

    1. Create a custom role for the invited user, assigning the role with privileges to join external groups in ArcGIS Online.
    2. Log in to ArcGIS Online, and click Organisation > Settings > Member Roles.
    3. Click the Create Role option, and create a new role for the user. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Configure member roles for more information.
    4. Click Import settings from an existing role or template, and select a template role (for example, Data Editor). Click Import settings.
    5. Under Role privileges, check the Join external groups check box to enable the user to join a different ArcGIS Online organisation group. Click Save role > Save.
    6. Click Assign Roles > Assign to assign the new role to the user.
    7. The invited user has a public ArcGIS Online account
    8. Create a new ArcGIS Online organisational account, or convert the existing public account to an organisational account. Refer to ArcGIS Online: Join organisation for more information.
    9. The group setting limits membership to only members of the group owner's organisation
    10. As the owner of the group, delete the existing group and create a new group. In the Group Details settings, select 'Only their own items' for 'What items in the group can its member update'. 
  • As an administrator, why can't I share a member’s item with a group that I’m not a part of?

    As an administrator, you typically have a high level of access and control within your organisation’s ArcGIS Online environment. However, there are some reasons why you might not be able to share a member’s item with a group that you’re not a part of: 

    • Group permissions: The group may have specific permissions set that restrict sharing only to its members. Even administrators need to adhere to these settings.
    • Item ownership: Sharing items is often restricted to the owner of that item. If you are not the owner, you may not have the authority to share it with groups you don't belong to.
    • Organisational policies: Your organisation may have policies in place that restrict sharing items outside of the owner’s direct control, even for administrators.
    • Group settings: The group itself might have restrictions on who can share content with it. Some groups only allow members to share items, regardless of administrative status.
    • Content type restrictions: Certain types of content might have specific sharing restrictions that prevent administrators from bypassing the normal sharing protocols. 

    If you need to share the item with that group, consider reaching out to the item’s owner or reviewing the group’s sharing settings. 

  • How can I find which apps are included in each user type for ArcGIS Online?

    For a high-level view, refer to the user type home page and for a full list of inclusions, refer to the 2023 to 2024 ArcGIS User Type Comparison Matrix.

  • When I sign in, I get an error that my SAML certificate has expired. What do I do?

    If you’ve received an error message that your Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) certificate has expired, you’ll need to obtain the new ArcGIS Online Service Provider metadata file and certificate and associate it with their SAML Identity Provider (e.g. Azure Active Directory Enterprise Applications with Token Encryption) before 24 September 2024 otherwise ArcGIS Online sign-ins with Enterprise (SAML) accounts will fail. 

    ArcGIS Online Organisation administrators that have enabled Signed and/or Encrypted Assertions in alignment with ArcGIS Online Best Practices for SAML Security will need to update this by 24 September 2024.  

    Learn more in the provided workflow here. 

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