Build a virtual representation of reality with geospatial context

Leveraging data integration and visualisation capabilities of ArcGIS, a geospatial digital twin mirrors the real world virtually for better — more informed — decision-making. 

From how to get started to key considerations of a successful, scalable digital twin, this webinar steps through the fundamentals of building a single, digital view of your project or operation.  

Explore the various types of digital twins and learn how to facilitate the integration of multiple data formats into a single unified platform with a spatial context for better collaboration, decision-making and problem-solving.


Webinar recording

Why attend?

  • Learn about the building blocks of a geospatial digital twin
  • Explore the various types of digital twins and their uses
  • Watch how digital twins help enhance business workflows
  • Learn to leverage digital twins for insights and better decision-making


Lau Kai Ying
Lau Kai Ying
Solutions Consultant
Esri Singapore
Creating data-driven solutions for the built environment
Kum Cheong Lee
Lee Kum Cheong
Solutions Consultant
Esri Singapore

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