To increase employee productivity, effective workplace planning and space management processes need to be in place.

For facilities managers to do this, they need to plan, manage, and operate facilities throughout their lifecycle to ensure that the environment is conducive for both staff and visitors alike.

In this webinar, you'll learn how to leverage emerging technologies such as IoT devices and seamless facilities environment maps to get an accurate reference of the as-built site and its facilities for use by tenants, architects, planners, agencies, and other stakeholders.

Through smarter indoors facilities management, information is streamlined to help you better understand where to take action, optimise security and resource deployment, and coordinate tenants to respond to emergency situations faster.


  • Digitise building assets to enable end-to-end facilities management workflows
  • Derive insights from human movement and asset data analytics for better decision making
  • Create a more effective workspace while safeguarding the well-being of all tenants

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