Iskandar Malaysia is fast becoming a strong and sustainable metropolis of international standing – with the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) using state-of-the-art technology to transform the region into the country’s next economic powerhouse.

GIS technology from leading geospatial solutions provider, Esri Malaysia, is an advanced mapping platform which integrates and analyses data from multiple business systems to create an insightful view of information to support decision making.  

Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, IRDA Chief Executive, said GIS technology enables their urban planners, economic managers and other key decision-makers to design smarter developments in Iskandar.

“Iskandar Malaysia was designed with investors in mind, as such deciding where to put up facilities, commercial and residential areas, and theme parks all require impeccable planning and design.

“By using GIS, we get a holistic view of our socio-economic environment enabling us to assess the various elements that might affect Iskandar Malaysia’s business environment and overall liveability of communities,” said Datuk Ismail

He added, apart from visualising information on an intuitive map, IRDA is also able to facilitate efficient data sharing across various government departments, enabling them to build confidence in their ability to make sound decisions on how they can realise their shared vision for the economic region.

Esri Malaysia Chief Executive Officer Lai Chee Siew said IRDA has been using GIS technology for more than seven years – and it would continue to hold a crucial role in ‘future-proofing’ the region.

Economic developers need decision-making tools that help them conduct analysis, display and disseminate results, and make informed decisions about where to locate new businesses or grow existing ones.

"GIS technology is proven to be an effective tool in delivering these functionalities, as it provides a powerful analytic platform to slice, dice, and visualise big data sets."

“The technology allows users to visualise and analyse big data in a way that reveals patterns, trends, and relationships that are often overlooked in static reports and spreadsheets. Even if data exists in many disparate systems, GIS technology can pull it all together to help users focus on their decision making, which is why it is important for IRDA."

“Ultimately, it’s enabled IRDA to create economic opportunities and sustain socio-economic growth.”

“We’re very proud to be a technology partner for Iskandar, and help them achieve their vision for the future."

Datuk Ismail added: “As we prime Iskandar into becoming a world-class destination, we firmly believe GIS technology will continue to be at the heart of everything we do today and for the years to come.”

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