Tanvi Maheshwari

Tanvi Maheshwari

Urban Designer and Researcher
Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore ETH Center

Tanvi Maheshwari is an architect, urban designer and researcher. Prior to joining the Future Cities Laboratory, she worked on the development of UrbanCanvas, a visualisation and analysis tool for urban planning, real estate and transportation professionals.

In 2009, Tanvi co-founded arch i platform, a not-for-profit organisation promoting sustainable design and architecture. She led the international, multi-disciplinary collaboration, Delhi 2050, which aimed to fundamentally rethink long-term planning for the Indian capital, and presented her work at the International Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam in 2012.

Tanvi regularly writes for popular media and has authored 'Life of an Afghan Hammam', a book about the restoration and culture of Hammam in an Afghan community.

Tanvi trained as an architect in School of Planning and Architecture in Delhi, before obtaining a Master of Urban Design from University of California, Berkeley.

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