ArcGIS 3D Analyst
Strictly by pre-registration only
What is this course about?
This course explores the spatial analysis approach to help you understand when 3D data and analysis are required. You will learn how specific types of input data are used for 3D analysis methods and practice 3D proximity and visibility analysis.
Course details
2 days
Visualisation, Editing and Analysis
CPD points
Are there any prerequisites?
Experience with ArcGIS Pro is recommended or have attended the ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows course.
What skills will I learn?
This course explores fundamental concepts of 3D GIS as one learns how to visualise, edit, model and analyse GIS data within a 3D context.
What can I expect?
- Course topics
Using 3D Analyst
- 3D applications
- Navigations
- Terminology
- Animation
- Flythrough
3D Data
- Z-values in 3D features
- Multipatch
- Raster cells
- TIN data
- Terrains
- Interpolation
3D Visualisation
- Terms
- Elevation raster
- Symbology
- Using expressions
- Extrusion
- Temporal data
Editing 3D Data
- Workflow
- Texture creation (Optional)
- 3D network
3D Analysis
- Z locations
- Raster surfaces
- Suitability models
- Reclassification
- Urban planning
3D Optimisation
- System configuration
- Vector data preparation
- Projection
- 3D symbols
- Raster data preparation
- Pyramids
- Layer properties
- Application settings
Solving problems in 3D
- Local scene
- Global scene
- Cross sections
- Visibility analysis
- Models in ModelBuilder
- Wind speed
- Terrain elevation
- LiDAR data