ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows
Strictly by pre-registration only
What is this course about?
This course introduces techniques and general best practices to map, manage, analyse, and share data and other GIS resources. Hands-on exercises will give you the experience needed to efficiently work with ArcGIS Pro.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework
Professional Engineers (PE) attending this course will be qualified for 15 PDUs by PEB.
This course is for: Data Editors, GIS Analysts, GIS Database Designers, Map Designers and GIS Desktop Application Developers.
Course details
3 days
Foundational Desktop Skills
Are there any prerequisites?
Completion of ArcGIS 1: Introduction to GIS or Introduction to ArcGIS Pro for GIS Professionals is required.
What skills will I learn?
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Organise, create, and edit geographic data
Manage, symbolise, and label map layers
Analyse GIS data and solve spatial problems
Share maps and analysis results
What can I expect?
- Course topics
Getting started with ArcGIS Pro
- ArcGIS Pro features
- Licensing ArcGIS Pro
- Template options for starting ArcGIS Pro
- Project structure
- ArcGIS Pro interface
Working with GIS data
- Data storage models
- Spatial data properties
- Locating key data properties
- Getting data into a geodatabase
- Use ArcGIS Pro without a template
- Create a file geodatabase
- Transfer data between geodatabases
- Import a shapefile into a geodatabase feature class
- Import multiple feature classes into a geodatabase
- Convert tabular data
- Convert online data
Coordinate systems
- Differentiate between coordinate system types
- Geographic transformations
- Importance of projected data
- Projecting data
Symbolising layers
- Attribute types and layer symbology
- Types of layer symbology
- Differentiating between layer symbology
- Classification methods
- Selecting a symbology option
Controlling feature display
- Types of selection queries
- Selecting features using queries
- Definition queries
- Displaying features at different scales
- Symbol classes
Adding text to the map
- Defining characteristics of map labels
- Using Label classes
- Geodatabase annotation
- Choosing standard or feature-linked annotation
Visualising data in 3D
- 3D mapping capabilities
- Local and global scenes
- Exploring elevation sources
- Displaying features in 3D
Create features from tabular data
- Indirectly storing spatial data
- Evaluate tabular data
- Displaying x,y coordinates in a map
Associating tabular data
- Tables relationships
- Common table management items
- Table Cardinality
- Joins and relates
- Exploring joins and relates
- Choosing joins or relates
Editing features and attributes
- Editing features
- ArcGIS Pro editing environment
- Feature modification tools
Spatial analysis
- Spatial analysis workflow
- Types of analysis
- Geoprocessing tools
- Exploring the analysis environment
Analysis using ModelBuilder
- Automating your analysis
- Why use ModelBuilder
- Exploring model elements
Map layouts
- What is a map layout?
- Map objectives
- Explore a map layout
- Creating a map layout
Sharing with ArcGIS Pro
- Sharing methods
- Sharing roles and permissions